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Libertas Institute and the cause of liberty

Friday, May 9, 2014 - 8:00am

Hello Utahns!

By now you're all familiar with Edward Snowden, and more importantly, the information he revealed to the world regarding surveillance activities conducted by the National Surveillance Agency (NSA).

I worked for the NSA for more than 30 years, and retired a few weeks after 9/11 in 2001. I became a whistleblower and an outspoken opponent of the agency's surveillance activities on American citizens. You can learn more about me in an interview I did with Libertas Institute last year.

I'm excited to visit your state on May 9 as part of Libertas Institute's Liberty Forum. I'll be discussing my history with the NSA, my experiences as a whistleblower, my impressions of Edward Snowden, and why Utah should refuse to support the Utah Data Center and the NSA's activities. We live in an Orwellian world—come learn what you can do about it.

I hope you'll join me in Provo on May 9 in support of Libertas Institute and the cause of liberty. Share the event with friends, family, and co-workers—there's only a few tickets left!

Bill Binney
