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Weber County Commission Utah State Railroad Museum Authority

Thursday, June 5, 2014 - 9:30am

Weber County Commission

Utah State Railroad Museum Authority

Notice Date & Time: 6/5/14 9:30 AM



Utah State Railroad Museum Authority
Board Meeting Agenda
Thursday, June 5, 2014 9:30 am
2380 Washington Blvd Ste. 360, Ogden UT 84401

PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the Utah State Railroad Museum Authority will hold a regular meeting at 2380 Washington Blvd Ste. 260, Ogden UT 84401, commencing at 9:30am on Thursday, June 5, 2014

1. Welcome ?

2. Discussion and/or action for approval of minutes for the meeting held May 1, 2014

3. Union Station foundation Presentation ? Leon Jones

4. Update from Box Elder County ?

5. Other Business, discussion and/or action

Next meeting: Thursday, August 7,2014 @ 9:30am
The meeting for July has been cancelled.


The undersigned, duly appointed, Administrative Assistant in the County Commission Office does Hereby certify that the above Notice and Agenda were posted as required by law this 3rd day of June, 2014.
