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Willard City - 4th of July Events

Friday, July 4, 2014 - 6:00am

4 th of July            Willard, Portrait of an American Town


July 2 nd The celebration starts off with the  Patriotic Program -

Do you sing, dance or have other talents? Helen Jane Lemon is looking for individuals and families to participate in the Willard Patriotic Program. Contact her at 435-723-5550.


July 3 rd  The always enjoyable  Firefighter’s Dinner, Dance, and Raffle.

 Ticket prices and more information will be in the next newsletter.


July 4th


- The activities for this day are Breakfast, Run, Game, fun all day and of course an amazing fireworks display at dark at the east park. A more detailed list of activities will be in next months newsletter.


Volunteers Needed

. Contact Marjorie Ross 435-734-0556 or 435-730-0465, Del Fredde 435-723-2509 or the Willard City Offices 435-734-9881 to volunteer or for more information. For help with the following:




Contact Laurel Robb for parade information. Start planning your entry for the parade.


Contact Jodi Durfee if you are interested in helping with the games.


 - Booth rentals applications will be available at the City Offices Monday - Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 p.m. Cost for booths will be $15.00.

Marjorie is still looking for individuals to run Bingo contact her if you are interested. 
