Notice Date & Time: 6/16/14 5:00 PM
THE AGENDA FOR THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF CENTRAL WEBER SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT which will be held on Monday, June 16, 2014 at 5:00 p.m. at the District Offices located at 2618 West Pioneer Road, Marriott-Slaterville, Utah.
Pledge of Allegiance - Michael Poff
Invocation - Doug Stephens
Public Comment
1. Minutes of May 19, 2014 Board Meeting for Approval
2. Ratification of Vouchers in the Amount of $2,071,114.33
3. BDO Outfall Construction Project and Collection System Master Plan Update: Lance Wood
4. Consideration of Pay Requests & Equipment Purchases: Lance Wood
5. Certification of Annexation/Withdrawal Petition: Lance Wood
6. Consideration of Annexation Approvals: Lance Wood
a. Resolution 2014-03 ? Buck Annexation
b. Resolution 2014-04 ? Gibson Annexation
7. Consideration of Resolution 2014-05: Approving the 2014 Budget Adjustment: John Cardon
8. Consideration of Resolution 2014-06: Approving the 2014 Certified Tax Rate: John Cardon
9. Consideration of Resolution 2014-07: Approving Interlocal Agreement Between South Ogden City Community Development and Renewal Agency and Central Weber: Lance Wood / Matt Dixon
10. Consideration of Resolution 2014-08: Approving Compliance Board Member Training and with IRS/URS Requirements for District Contributions to URS Retirement Plan: Lance Wood
11. Remaining Issues Respecting the ACE Insurance Settlement: Lance Wood / Mark Anderson
12. Possible Closed Meeting Concerning Pending & Threatened Litigation, Purchase of Real Property and/or Personnel Issues
13. General Manager: Lance Wood
14. Attorney: Mark Anderson
15. Other Business
16. Adjournment
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons needing auxiliary services for these meetings should call Central Weber Sewer Improvement District at 801-731-3011 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.