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Weber Basin Water Conservancy District Board

Friday, September 26, 2014 - 9:00am

Revised Notice

Board of Trustees

Regular Board Meeting


Notice Date & Time: 9/26/14 9:00 AM




The next regular meeting of the Weber Basin Water Conservancy District Board of Trustees will be held Friday, September 26, 2014, 9:00 a.m., at District Headquarters, Layton, Utah. Matters for discussion include the following:

1) Welcome & Pledge of Allegiance
2) Approval of Minutes
3) Approval of August 2014 Financial Report
4) Consideration of Cancellation of Water Contracts
5) Hearing on Petitions for Water Contracts
6) Consideration of Water Contracts and Assignments
7) Water Supply Report
8) Consideration of Contract Amendment for Willard Canal Phase 3 Lining Project
9) Department Update
10) General Manager?s Report
11) Other Business

Board of Trustees

Regular Board Meeting

Notice Date & Time: 9/26/14 9:00 AM



The next regular meeting of the Weber Basin Water Conservancy District Board of Trustees will be held Friday, September 26, 2014, 9:00 a.m., at District Headquarters, Layton, Utah. Matters for discussion include the following:

1) Welcome & Pledge of Allegiance
2) Approval of Minutes
3) Approval of August 2014 Financial Report
4) Consideration of Cancellation of Water Contracts
5) Hearing on Petitions for Water Contracts
6) Consideration of Water Contracts and Assignments
7) Water Supply Report
8) Department Update
9) General Manager?s Report
10) Other Business

Tage I. Flint, PE
General Manager/CEO
