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Willard City Council

Thursday, September 25, 2014 - 6:30pm

City Council

City Council meeting

Notice Date & Time: 9/22/14 6:30 PM



The Willard City Council of the Willard City Corporation will hold a meeting on September 25, 2014, at the Willard City Hall, 80 West 50 South. The meeting will begin promptly at 6:30 p.m. The agenda will be as follows:
1. Call to Order
a. Invocation
b. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Open Comment Period (Individuals have three minutes for open comments. If required, items may be referred to department heads for resolution. Items requiring action by the City Council will be placed on the agenda for a future meeting.)
3. Business
a. Clyde Westley ? Request for a City Council decision to hold a public hearing before submitting the application for: THE REQUEST FOR REZONE FROM BOX ELDER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION OF PARCEL #02-006-0020 THE ACREAGE IS 170.85 AND THE APPROX. ADDRESS IS 750 NORTH 600 EAST. THE REQUEST IS TO CHANGE ZONING FROM MU160 TO MGEX.
b. Public Disclosures ? Conflicts of Interest
1) Council member Mund
2) Police Chief Jean Loveland
c. Financial -
1) Warrants
2) Vouchers
3) Reports
d. Approval of minutes: August 28, 2014 meeting.
4. Department Reports
a. Maintenance Department
1) Discussion on repairs/replacement of waterlines.
b. Fire Department
c. Police Department
5. Council members
a. Robert Beebe
b. Mike Crossley
c. Del Fredde
1) Fall Clean Up
d. Josh Braegger
1) East Park Sprinkler System
e. Michelle Mund
6. Mayor?s General Correspondence and Information
a. Discussion/Decision on City vehicles
7. Adjourn

Pursuant to section 52-4-204 UCA the City Council may vote to go in to an executive session for the purposes stated by section 52-4-205 UCA.
