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Weber High

Thursday, February 12, 2015 - 10:07am

12   |   B-Day

12   |   Swim - State Meet @ BYU

Thursday, February 12


 Wrestling: State



 Play: See How They Run



 Swim: State 5A Championships


Seniors, if you need help completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, the counseling department will be hosting a FAFSA completion night on February 11, from 5 to 7 pm in the library. Round up your financial information and we'll help you fill out the application.


Anyone interested in participating in the State High School Chess Championship Tournament to be held February 20th and 21st, needs to contact Mr. LeDuc in room 528.


To any future Ronaldo, Messi, or Rooneys out there, the Warrior F.C., that's boys soccer, will be holding a MANDATORY try-out meeting on Thursday February 19th at 3:30 pm in the cafeteria. You must be present or have a parent slash responsible person present as your representative, if you want to try out. For any questions come and see the infamous Mr. LeDuc aka "soccer king" in room 528. Hashtag we actually use our foot to kick the ball.
