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Weber High

Thursday, April 9, 2015 - 7:54am

9   |   Theatre - State Festival

9   |   Girls Golf @ Valley View

9   |   Soccer - Weber @ Layton

9   |   Softball - Weber @ Fremont

9   |   Tennis - Davis @ Weber 


Remember Seniors that all attendance Make up should be done by May 1st"


Have you tried OverDrive, Weber School District's e-book library?  Look for the OverDrive link on the library's home page.  Additional titles were just added to the database two weeks ago.  Enjoy reading ANYWHERE with OverDrive!


Don't forget to turn in  your receipts from the Newgate Mall for the My School's Cool Program.  You can turn them into Mr. Rawlins in Room 36 or the Locker downstairs by the School Store.  Help Weber Win Big Bucks again this year!


If you need your high school transcript for college applications, scholarships, job applications or verification of GPA for car insurance, you will need to order it.  The cost is $1 due at the time of your order.  Come to the counseling office to order and PLEASE give us 24 hours notice.
