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Weber County Commission

Monday, October 26, 2015 - 10:00am

Revised Notice

Weber County Commission

Weber County Commission

Notice Date & Time: 10/27/15 10:00 AM



Notice of a Regular Commission Meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of Weber County, Utah
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the Board of Commissioners of Weber County, Utah will hold a regular commission meeting in the Commission Chambers of the Weber Center, 2380 Washington Boulevard, Ogden, Utah, commencing at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, the 27th day of October 2015.
The agenda for the meeting consists of the following:

A. Welcome - Commissioner Gibson

B. Invocation -

C. Pledge of Allegiance - Charlie Ewert

D. Thought of the Day - Commissioner Bell

E. Consent Items

1. Request for approval of purchase orders in the amount of $41,871.86.
2. Request for approval of warrants #326202-#326376 in the amount of $3,447,560.53.
3. Request for approval of minutes for the meeting held on October 20, 2015.
4. Request from the Weber County Tax Review Committee for approval to refund the amount of $1,565.91 to Gary Hoxer for an error on Parcel #16-122- 0005.
5. Request from the Weber County Tax Review Committee for approval to allow escaped tax of $6,034.96 on Parcel #06-028-0015 to be paid over a period of five years without penalty or interest.
6. Request for approval of a Change Order on a Contract by and between Weber County and Granite Construction on the 3500 West Reconstruction Project.
7. Request for approval of a Change Order on a Contract by and between Weber County and Probuild Construction, Inc. for 2015 remobilization, 2' pump and
piping revisions.

F. Action Items

1. Request from the Weber County Tax Review Committee for discussion and/or action on a request for a refund of taxes for parcel #22-242-0005.
Presenter: Joe Olsen

2. Request for approval of an Interlocal Agreement by and between Weber County and the Redevelopment Agency of North Ogden City to define terms of Community Development Project.
Presenter: Commissioner Ebert

3. Request for approval of a contract by and between Weber J & R Rental for the lease of space to store Sheriff's Office Equipment.
Presenter: Kevin McLeod

4. Request for approval of three Right of Way Contracts for the 3500 West Project:
Qwest Corporation, Parcel 101
Hooper Irrigation, Parcel 102
Paul Ransom
Presenter: Jared Andersen

5. Request for approval of two Right of Way Contracts for the 12th Project:
Michael and Karen Martin
Randall and Hollie Thompson
Presenter: Jared Andersen

6. 6. Request for approval of a resolution of the County Commissioners of Weber County appointing members to the Arena Board.
Presenter: Jennifer Graham

7. Request for approval of a resolution of the County Commissioners of Weber County appointing members to the Recreation, Arts, Museums and Parks Board.
Presenter: Holin Wilbanks

G. Public Comments. (Please limit comments to 3 minutes)

H. Assign Pledge of Allegiance and Thought of the Day for Tuesday, November 3, 2015 at 10:00 a.m.

I. Adjourn
