Notice Date & Time: 11/24/15 10:00 AM
Notice of a Regular Commission Meeting of the Board of County Commissioners
of Weber County, Utah
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the Board of Commissioners of Weber County, Utah will hold a regular commission meeting in the Commission Chambers of the Weber Center, 2380 Washington Boulevard, Ogden, Utah, commencing at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, the 24th day of November 2015.
The agenda for the meeting consists of the following:
A. Welcome - Commissioner Gibson
B. Invocation -
C. Pledge of Allegiance - Fatima Fernelius
D. Thought of the Day - Commissioner Gibson
E. Consent Items
1. Request for approval of purchase orders in the amount of $126,867.06.
2. Request for approval of warrants #327034-#327277 in the amount of $4,235,524.56.
3. Request for approval of minutes for the meeting held on November 17, 2015.
4. Request for approval of new business licenses.
5. Request for approval of Change Order No. 3 for Granite Construction on the 3500 West Reconstruction Project.
F. Action Items
1. Request for discussion and/or action on the 2015 Weber County Local Transportation Fund Project Priorities.
Presenter: Douglas Larsen
2. Request for approval of a 2014 Local Transportation Funding Agreement by and between Weber County and Ogden City for fund capacity and improvements for the North Street Project.
Presenter: Douglas Larsen
3. Request for approval of a Local Transportation Funding Agreement by and between Weber County and Harrisville City to define terms of the Larsen Lane Project.
Presenter: Douglas Larsen
4. Request for approval of a contract by and between Weber County and the State of Utah-Attorney General's Office.
Presenter: Rod Layton
5. Discussion and/or action on a request from Deborah Holdsworth, Parcel #13-205-0006 for 2014 primary residential status.
Presenter: Joe Olsen
6. Request for approval of Right of Way contract by and between Weber County and the following for the 12th Street Project:
Kevin & Tine Bailey, Parcel 152
Presenter: Jared Andersen
7. Request for approval of a contract by and between Weber County and the Union Pacific Railroad Company for preliminary engineering services and submittal of Exhibit 'A' for Railroad approval.
Presenter: Jared Anderson
8. Request for approval of first reading of an Ordinance of Weber County amending certain provisions of the special events application process.
Presenter: Jennifer Graham
G. Public Comments. (Please limit comments to 3 minutes)
H. Assign Pledge of Allegiance and Thought of the Day for Tuesday, December 1, 2015 at 10:00 a.m.
I. Adjourn