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Weber County Commission

Tuesday, August 30, 2016 - 10:00am

Weber County Commission

Weber County Commission

Notice Date & Time: 8/30/16 10:00 AM



PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the Board of Commissioners of Weber County, Utah will hold a regular commission meeting in the Commission Chambers of the Weber Center, 2380 Washington Boulevard, Ogden, Utah, commencing at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, the 30th day of August 2016.
The agenda for the meeting consists of the following:
A. Welcome - Commissioner Bell
B. Invocation -
C. Pledge of Allegiance- Charlie Ewert
D. Thought of the Day- Commissioner Bell

E. Consent Items
1. Request for approval of purchase orders in the amount of $211,759.17.
2. Request for approval of warrants #408402 - #408728 in the amount of $2,685,697.69.
3. Request for approval of minutes for the meeting held on August 23, 2016.
4. Request for approval to ratify an agreement for financial services with Zions Bank Public Finance.
5. Request for approval of a Retirement Agreement by and between Weber County and Michelle Ann Buhrmester.
6. Request from Property Management for approval to surplus a 2013 Polaris Sportamans 800.
7. Request for approval to set the date of September 6, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. for a public hearing regarding consideration and action to vacate the retention basin easement on Lots 4, 5, 6 and 14 of Mallard Springs Subdivision at approximately 2475 South 4000 West.

F. Action Items

1. Request for approval of a contract by and between Weber County and Jennifer Clark for an Indigent Defense Attorney in Juvenile Court.
Presenter: Dave Wilson

2. Request for approval of a contract by and between Weber County and Interstate Detective Agency for an Indigent Defense Investigator.
Presenter: Dave Wilson

3. Request for approval of a first reading of an Ordinance of the Board of County Commissioners of Weber County governing parking.
Presenter: Bryan Baron

4. Request for approval of a resolution repealing any and all past Ogden Valley General Plan(s) and Plan Elements and replacing with the 2016 Ogden Valley General Plan.
Presenter: Charlie Ewert

5. Request for approval of the Release of Protective Covenants for property owned by Dafuskie Investments LLC and Associated Food Stores Inc. in Farr West.
Presenter: Courtlan Erickson

G. Public Comments
H. Adjourn

Weber County Commission

Weber County Commission

Notice Date & Time: 8/30/16 10:00 AM



PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the Board of Commissioners of Weber County, Utah will hold a regular commission meeting in the Commission Chambers of the Weber Center, 2380 Washington Boulevard, Ogden, Utah, commencing at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, the 30th day of August 2016.

The agenda for the meeting consists of the following:

A. Welcome - Commissioner Bell

B. Invocation -

C. Pledge of Allegiance- Charlie Ewert

D. Thought of the Day- Commissioner Bell

E. Consent Items

1. Request for approval of purchase orders in the amount of $211,759.17.
2. Request for approval of warrants #408402 - #408728 in the amount of $2,685,697.69.
3. Request for approval of minutes for the meeting held on August 23, 2016.
4. Request for approval to ratify an agreement for financial services with Zions Bank Public Finance.
5. Request for approval of a Retirement Agreement by and between Weber County and Michelle Ann Buhrmester.
6. Request from Property Management for approval to surplus a 2013 Polaris Sportamans 800.
7. Request for approval to set the date of September 6, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. for a public hearing regarding consideration and action to vacate the retention basin easement on Lots 4, 5, 6 and 14 of Mallard Springs Subdivision at approximately 2475 South 4000 West.

F. Action Items

1. Request for approval of a contract by and between Weber County and Jennifer Clark for an Indigent Defense Attorney in Juvenile Court.
Presenter: Dave Wilson

2. Request for approval of a contract by and between Weber County and Interstate Detective Agency for an Indigent Defense Investigator.
Presenter: Dave Wilson

3. Request for approval of a first reading of an Ordinance of the Board of County Commissioners of Weber County governing parking.
Presenter: Bryan Baron

4. Request for approval of the Release of Protective Covenants for property owned by Dafuskie Investments LLC and Associated Food Stores Inc. in Farr West.
Presenter: Courtlan Erickson

G. Public hearing

1. Request for a motion to adjourn public meeting and convene public hearing.

2. Public hearing for the adoption of the 2016 Ogden Valley General Plan.
Presenter: Charlie Ewert

3. Public comments (Please limit comments to 3 minutes)

4. Request for a motion to adjourn public hearing and reconvene public meeting.

5. Action on public hearing.

H. Public Comments

I. Adjourn
