Notice Date & Time: 10/18/16 12:00 AM
North View Fire District Board Meeting
Tuesday, October 18, 2016 at 5:00 p.m.
at the North View Fire Station,
315 E. 2550 N. North Ogden
1. Opening Prayer, Reading or Expression of Thought and the
Pledge of Allegiance. Presenter: Chairperson Wheelwright
2. Consideration to approve the minutes of September 20, 2016.
Presenter: Chairperson Wheelwright
3. Consideration to approve the monthly financial transactions for September 2016. Presenter: Chairperson Wheelwright
4. Public Comments. Presenter: Chairperson Wheelwright
5. Discussion and/or action to fill the Midterm Trustee Vacancy -
Review of any applications, extension of interviews and swearing in of newly appointed trustee.
Presenters: Chairperson Wheelwright/Sallie Garcia
6. Discussion and/or action on the purchase of a new Type 3 Pumper.
Presenter: Chief Wade
7. Discussion and/or action on awarding the SCBA Contract.
Presenter: Chief Wade
8. Discussion and/or action on the Konduct, Health and Wellness Program. Presenter: Evan Fitzgerald
9. Update on Station 22. Presenter: Chief Wade
10. Monthly Report- Presenter: Chief Wade
11. Monthly Report- Presenter: Chairperson Wheelwright
12. Other and/or Identify matters for future consideration and/or action.
Presenter: Chairperson Wheelwright.
13. Adjournment.