Notice Date & Time: 3/13/17 12:00 AM
1. Approval of the February 13, 2017 Meeting Minutes
2. Presentation of February 2017 Financial Statements, Budget Report, & Approval of the Monthly Bills
3. Action: Bylaws of the Weber MAD Board of Trustees
4. Action: Weber MAD Personnel Policies and Procedures
5. Other Business
6. Adjourn
Notice Date & Time: 3/13/17 12:00 AM
1. Approval of the February 13, 2017 Meeting Minutes
2. Presentation of February 2017 Financial Statements, Budget Report, & Approval of the Monthly Bills
3. Action: Bylaws of the Weber MAD Board of Trustees
4. Action: Weber MAD Personnel Policies and Procedures
5. Approve/Disapprove: Aerial Spray Contract with Madfly
6. Other Business
7. Adjourn