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Dear Editor, Constituional Amendments

Monday, September 29, 2014 - 10:30am

Dear Editor

How sweet would it be if the nation passed Constitutional Amendments similar to those that follow?

Requires balancing the budget;

Requires an automatic 10% across-the-board cut in federal spending (including pay) if a balanced budget is not passed each year in Washington (no more “continuing resolutions”). And no making up for lost spending if a balanced budget is adopted past the budget deadline.

Moves the April 15 tax payment deadline to the day before federal elections.

Limits income tax rates to a maximum of say about 17%;

Abolishes the IRS and institutes a flat tax or other simplified mechanism;

Allows/directs the states to conduct uninhibited comprehensive financial audits of The Federal Reserve and all governmental agencies such as The IRS, Treasury Department, Dept. of Energy, Dept. of Education, etc.

Limits the amount of money the government can borrow;

Requires term limits for all elected in Washington;

Prohibits corporate “bail-outs” of all kinds;

Well, it can be done, and it does not have to be accomplished through Washington. Article V of the U.S. Constitution directs state legislatures to come together and pass amendments amongst themselves. Many state legislatures are signing on to the effort, and the ideas listed here are similar to many being discussed. Go to to learn more.

Teresa Alvelo

