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Kumbayah LGBT, please let us keep our freedoms of religion, speech, a ssociation and assembly. (Letter to the editor for publication; OK to delete first two paragraphs if already published

Monday, February 2, 2015 - 8:00am
Michael W. Jarvis

Feb. 2, 2015


President Thomas S. Monson's closing remarks in last October's LDS General Conference admonished us all to "stand up for what you believe in."


The tone of the January 27th LDS Church press conference was very Christ-like in terms of love and compassion towards our LGBT brothers and sisters.   I question its timing, however, as the U.S. Supreme Court is just now gearing up to rule on same-sex marriage nationwide.  The LGBT got the same kind of compassionate endorsement from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints just prior to the vote that allowed openly homosexual boys into the Boy Scouts of America.   We may well hear Elder Uchtdorf in a future General Conference admit that "we made a mistake" again like they did with the Boy Scouts.


It could be, however, that President Monson needs us to stand up on this issue because he, his counselors and the Twelve Apostles cannot do other than state the Church's position on marriage and cooperate with the LGBT after the fallout from Church support of Proposition 8 and the hostile harassing homo horde that use to gather around Temple Square at conference time. The LGBT is a well organized international network with political power in high places.  Some of my letters on this subject have been published internationally.  One country has advised me that because of those letters I am now "quarantined" from that country and to make note of it on my passport.  Imagine the impact on the missionary program of the Mormon Church if its missionaries were suddenly banned from entering various countries.  They will be banned in the U.S.A. some day, along with all other Christian activities, if the LGBT persuades the U.S. Supreme Court to redefine marriage to the detriment of a further encumbered United States of america.


If the U.S. Constitution is saved, it will not be the Church that saves it; but individuals that are not willing to let evil triumph.



Michael W. Jarvis

P.O. Box 356

Salt Lake City, Utah 84110

PH: 801-706-2740

