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Alert for 3/8: SB 88 (Gun Control by Bureaucrats) Awaiting Final House Vote

Wednesday, March 9, 2016 - 10:30am
UT Gun Rights

SB 88 (Gun Control by Bureaucrats) Awaiting Final House Vote
Senate Bill 88 reauthorizes numerous "administrative rules" created by bureaucrats (i.e. unelected officials) that have the same effect as state statute.  These include gun controls and other subversions of your natural rights.

This bill is particularly significant in that it demonstrates the lackadaisical, lazy, and compliant nature of Utah's supposed "gun rights champions".  Rather than rein in the bureaucrats, they prefer to carte blanche approve their corruption.

SB 88 passed Wayne Niederhauser's senate, passed house bully Greg Hughes' hand-picked operations committee, and awaits a final vote on the house floor.  Read the threat briefing at

The threat briefing covers the following:
* The devilish details
* "Spotlighting" gun owner entrapment
* Disarming foster parents
* Statutators approve these gun controls every year
* Why is the Utah Taxpayers Association President sponsoring gun control?
* Appropriate action: Contact the two bullies who dominate your statutators

Horrible Bills Flying through Utah Statutarium
Senate bully Wayne Niederhauser and house bully Greg Hughes continue to force through a host of awful bills designed to harm Utah gun owners and other innocent citizens.  The statutory session ends at Midnight on March 10 (this Thursday).

Learn how your rights are being undermined by viewing UT Gun Rights' Bill Tracking Page: The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly at