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Dear Editor -

Saturday, October 29, 2016 - 11:15am

The Positive Message of Donald Trump
Donald Trump will end Obama Care and Common Core and will reform inner city education.  Many wealthy American investors who invested in foreign countries and who targeted the US market will be happy to move their businesses and jobs back to America when they find that their products will be taxed with a 35% tariff at the American border.  Donald Trump will build an effective wall and will stop illegal immigration and will in this one step raise all American wages and salaries.  America will renegotiate or terminate many so-called “free trade” deals and will eliminate America’s trade deficits.  Donald Trump will submit balanced budgets and reduce the national debt.  Donald Trump will stand up to ISIS terrorism, improve the US military and achieve peace through strength.  Donald Trump will stand by the US Constitution with its separation of powers, checks and balances and with its Bill of Rights and will preserve the Second Amendment and prevent tyranny.   Donald Trump will support America’s local police and national security organizations and will support Law and Order.

Woody Watrous
33082 Elisa Drive
Dana Point, CA 92629
Phone Number:  (949) 248-9305
