Notice Date & Time: 6/26/14 4:30 PM
June 26, 2014
Public Notice is hereby given that the Pleasant View City Council of Pleasant View, Utah will hold a joint Public Meeting with Farr West City in their city office at 1896 N 1800 W in Farr West, Utah on Friday, June 26, 2014, commencing at 4:30 P.M. - 6:00 P.M. to discuss the Joint Study on 2700 N Corridor.
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons needing auxiliary services for these meetings should call the Pleasant View City Office at 801-782-8529, at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.
Notice of Special Accommodations:
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons needing auxiliary services for these meetings should call the Pleasant View City Office at 801-782-8529, at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.
Notice of Electronic or telephone participation:
Other information:
1896 N 1800 W, Farr West, 84404
Contact information:
NA, , NA
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1:49 PM (18 hours ago)
to PMN-1371
Utah Public Notice
Notice Date & Time: 6/26/14 6:30 PM
June 26, 2014 ? 6:30PM
505 EAST 2600 NORTH
Welcome: Mayor Taylor
Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance: Council Member Urry
1. Consideration to approve the minutes of the May 8, 2014 City Council Meeting
2. Consideration to approve the minutes of the May 13, 2014 City Council Meeting
3. Consideration to approve the minutes of the May 27, 2014 City Council Meeting
1. Public Comments*
2. Discussion and/or action to consider an Agreement with Republic Services for the disposal and pickup
of solid waste/recycling
Presenter: Ron Chandler, City Manager
3. Discussion and/or action to consider a Resolution amending the Consolidated Fee Schedule
Presenter: Bryan Steele, Finance Director
4. Discussion and/or action to consider approving an Ordinance amending the Budget for Fiscal Year
Presenter: Bryan Steele, Finance Director
5. Discussion and/or action to consider a Resolution designating boundaries for fireworks, etc. in North
Ogden City
Presenter: Ron Chandler, City Manager
6. Discussion and/or action to appoint Steven Prisbrey as a Planning Commission Member
Presenter: Mayor Taylor
7. Discussion regarding a Dog Park
Presenter: Mayor Taylor
8. Public Comments*
9. City Council, Mayor, and Staff comments
10. Adjournment
1. Discussion and/or action to consider an Ordinance amending the Budget for Fiscal Year 2013-14
Presenter: Bryan Steele, Finance Director
2. Adjournment
Notice of Special Accommodations:
The Council at its discretion may rearrange the order of any item(s) on the agenda. Final action may be taken on any item on the agenda. In compliance with the American with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodation (including auxiliary communicative aids and service) during the meeting should notify Annette Spendlove, City Recorder at 782-7211 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. In accordance with State Statute, City Ordinance and Council Policy, one or more Council Members may be connected via speakerphone or may by two-thirds vote to go into a closed meeting.
Notice of Electronic or telephone participation:
In compliance with the American with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodation (including auxiliary communicative aids and service) during the meeting should notify Annette Spendlove, City Recorder at 782-7211 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. In accordance with State Statute, City Ordinance and Council Policy, one or more Council Members may be connected via speakerphone or may by two-thirds vote to go into a closed meeting.
Other information:
The undersigned, duly appointed City Recorder, does hereby certify that the above notice and agenda was posted within the North Ogden City limits on this 20th day of June, 2014 at North Ogden City Hall, on the City Hall Notice Board, on the Utah State Public Notice Website and at A copy was also provided to the Standard Examiner on January 24, 2014 S. Annette Spendlove, MMC City Recorder
505 E. 2600 N., North Ogden, 84414
Contact information:
Annette Spendlove,, 8017827211
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4:25 PM (15 hours ago)
to PMN-670
Utah Public Notice
Notice Date & Time: 6/26/14 6:00 PM
Thursday, June 26, 2014
(Item 2 C was added)
The Perry City Council will hold a meeting on the Thursday identified above, starting at approximately 7:00 PM, (after a 6:00 PM Macquarie Proposal) in the City Council Room at 3005 South 1200 West in Perry. Agenda items may vary depending on length of discussion, cancellation of scheduled items, or agenda alteration. Numbers and/or times are estimates of when agenda items will be discussed. Action on public hearings will always be later in the same meeting or at a subsequent meeting. Every agenda item shall be a discussion and/or action item, unless otherwise indicated.
Approx. 6:00PM ? Thursday, June 26, 2014
A. Approx. 6:05PM-Macquarie Proposals
Approx. 7:00PM-Thursday, June 26, 2014
1. Call to Order and Opening Ceremonies
A. Invocation ? Jana Nelson
B. Pledge of Allegiance- Esther Montgomery
C. Review and Adopt the Agenda
2. Procedural Issues
A. Conflicts of Interest Declaration(s), If Any
B. Pass out Warrants to Council Members (and Possible Discussion)
C. Appointments
3. Approx. 7:15PM- Public Hearing(s)
A. Resolution 14-12 Recycling w/yearly 30 day opt-out provisions
B. Resolution 14-13 Opt-In or Move forward with Macquarie Milestone 2
C. Resolution 14-14 Opt-Out or not continue to move forward with Macquarie Milestone 2
4. Approx. 7:35PM ? Public Comments and/or Public Hearings (No Vote Needed)
Rules: (1) Please Speak Only Once (Maximum of 3 Minutes) per Agenda Item; (2) Please Speak in a Courteous and
Professional Manner; (3) Do Not Speak to Specific Member(s) of the City Council, Staff, or Public (Please Speak to
the Mayor or to the Council as a Group); (4) Please Present Possible Solutions for All Problems Identified; (5) No
Decision May Be Made During this Meeting if the Item Is Not Specifically on the Agenda (with Action on Public
Hearings, if any, later in the Meeting); and (6) Comments must be made in person or in writing (with your name being
stated for the record).
A. Public Comments
5. Approx. 7:45PM ? Action Items (Roll Call Vote)
Business License
A. Vose Bravo/Bravo Made Construction LLC
Resolutions and Ordinances
B. Resolution 14-12 Recycling w/yearly 30 day opt-out provisions
C. Resolution 14-13 Opt-In / move forward with Macquarie Milestone 2
D. Resolution 14-14 Opt-Out / not continue to move forward with Macquarie Milestone 2
6. Approx. 8:30 PM ? Discussion Items
1st Reading
A. Ordinance 14-H to Adopt the International Fire Code
B. Ordinance 14-I to Adopt Public Safety Cost Recovery Procedures
Other Discussion Items
C. Review of Smith and Edwards Shooting Event & Expo Day on June 13th
D. Support of June 28th Mock Active Shooter Exercise at Three Mile Creek Elementary
E. Announcement of 4th of July Award Recipients
F. 4th of July Activities and Council Assignments
G. July 15th City Staff and Council BBQ
H. July 16th NIMS Training
I. Residents Request to allow hen chickens within residential zone
7. Approx. 8:40 PM-Discussion Items (2nd Reading)
A. Resolution 14-12 Recycling w/yearly 30 day opt-out provision
8. Approx. PM ? Minutes & Council/Mayor Reports (Including Council Assignments)
No Council Action May be Taken if an Item is not specifically on the Agenda
A. Approval of Consent Items
(1) May 8, 2014 Budget Work Session Minutes
(2) May 8, 2014 Regular City Council Minutes
B. Todd Christensen: Mayor Pro-Tem, Information Technology, Telecommunications, UTOPIA, WWTP
C. Peter Gerlach: Streets, Street Lights/Signs, Transportation/UTA, Youth Council, Emergency Services/First Responders
D. Jana Nelson: Flood Control Board, Culinary Water, Mosquito Abatement, Cemetery Location
E. Esther Montgomery: Parks & Trails, Community Outreach, Fourth of July Co-Chair, Storm Water
F. Brady Lewis: Police/Night Out Against Crime, Economic Development, Planning Commission
G. Mayor Cronin: Chief Executive Officer-City Administrator, Fourth of July Chairman, Emergency Services Coordinator, City Ambassador
H. Items for Next City Newsletter
9. Items for Future Meeting
10. Approx. 8:50 PM-Executive Session Regarding
11. Approx. 10:00 PM ? Adjournment (next regular meeting on Thurs., July 17, 2014, 2014 at 7:00PM)
Certificate of Posting
The undersigned duly appointed official hereby certifies that a copy of the foregoing agenda was sent to each Member of the City Council and was posted in three locations at the Perry City Offices, as well as at the Dale Young Park and main Perry City Park, and was faxed to the Ogden Standard-Examiner and Box Elder News Journal on this 20th day of June 2014.
Notice of Special Accommodations:
Any Individual requiring auxiliary services should contact the City Offices at least 3 days in advance (435-723-6461).
Notice of Electronic or telephone participation:
Other information:
3005 S 1200 W, Perry, 84302
Contact information:
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