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Human Interest

Human Interest Articles

6*9*2018 - Dear Dave

Dear Dave,

I just graduated from college, and I’ll be starting my first real job soon. What can young adults, who are just getting started, do to avoid money problems now and in the future?


Dear Ben,

Congratulations! I’m glad you realize the importance of being responsible with your money and planning for things down the road.

6*8*2018 - NFL Anthem Protest Policy and Faux Patriotism OP-ED

Like many, we are fundamentally opposed to the NFL’s new policy requiring players who are on the field to stand for the national anthem or remain in the tunnel or locker room. Teams can be fined if players or any team personnel do not stand for the anthem, including attempts to sit or kneel, as was the movement started by ex-49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick as a means of protesting police harassment of people of color.

6*7*2018 Trump’s War on the Poor: An Impeachable Offense OP_ED

Were it not for the source, it would hardly be news to learn that the United States can’t take care of its most needy—that it may be the richest country, but it is also increasingly, appallingly, unequal in how its wealth and opportunities are shared. When the various dimensions of human security are examined, critics have long noted that the US falls short, whether in treatment of children, poverty rates, income gaps between rich and poor, or even life expectancy.

Iowa Latest to Reject Convention of States

Iowa Latest to Reject Convention of States

By Harold Pease, Ph. D

Iowa is the 15th state to reject the proposed Article V Convention of States thus far this year.  Going off the established process of constitutional change is too radical for most.  They remain comfortable with both houses of Congress proposing one amendment at a time followed by its ratification by three fourths of the states.

6*6*2018 - Past Versus Present Americans

Past Versus Present Americans

6*5*2018 - The Pardon Power: “The Power Not The Right” -- What If Trump Shot Melania?

When I saw media reports Melania Trump had not been seen for 20-some days, I started thinking again about the Constitution, the Pardon Power and the nature of the rule of law.  Such are modern times.  What if Trump did it?  I wondered. What if he had “shot someone on 5thavenue in broad daylight?”  What if he had done away with Melania?   Could he pardon himself?


Why Your Local Newspapers are Failing You

Why Your Local Newspapers are Failing You


It’s easy to blame the internet for the decline of the traditional daily newspaper.  It’s a factor, yes, but just because demographics and the social blueprint are changing it doesn’t mean your local newspaper should accept this techno-quick & dirty iPhone phenomenon.  The sad decline in readership, circulation and sales is the result of the newspaper-reading market becoming both stimulated and stupefied by social media.

6*4*2018 -4 Tips If You Plan To Get Your Dental Work Done Abroad

4 Tips If You Plan To Get

Your Dental Work Done Abroad

You’ve heard of vacations spoiled by a terrible toothache. Now more Americans are actually taking a vacation to get dental work done outside the states.  

“Dental tourism” has been trending in recent years, with numerous news outlets reporting that almost a half million Americans seek dental care away from the U.S. annually.

6*3*2018 - The American Way of War: Evolution Stops Here

America does what it wants.

This is obvious, except it’s also monstrously unnerving. Let’s at least add some quote marks: “America” does what it wants — this secretly defined, self-obsessed, unelected entity that purports to be the United States of America, all 325 million of us, but is, in fact, a narrowly focused amalgam of generals, politicians and corporate elites who value only one thing: global dominance, from now to eternity.

Church Finances and a Growing Global Faith


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