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Human Interest

Human Interest Articles

Quotes & sayings

DWR News Release: Discounted licenses for veterans with disabilities

Veterans with disabilities now receive discounted hunting, combination licenses


SALT LAKE CITY — Veterans with disabilities are now eligible for discounted hunting and combination licenses and will also experience an easier application process.


Disabled veterans were previously eligible for discounted fishing licenses, and as of July 1, the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources is now expanding that to include hunting and combination licenses. 


7*3*2019 Why Democracy Deteriorates into Socialism

Barack Obama, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton, were not the first presidential candidates to introduce socialism into mainstream America.  Previous presidents did so and it has been in our diet for most of a hundred years.  All twenty Democratic Party 2020 presidential candidates, as per their debates last week, would make militant socialist Eugene V. Debbs, founder of the Socialist Party of America (1901) and five-time presidential candidate, look like todays conservative republican.  Why are many Americans accepting socialism?  Because socialism promises everything for free.

DWR News Release: Permit applications open for 4 bird hunts

Bird hunting permit applications open July 3


SALT LAKE CITY — If you are looking for a unique experience in Utah’s outdoors, the permit applications for four Utah bird hunts open on Wednesday, July 3, and these hunts can provide just that. 


Obtaining permits 


Quotes & sayings

7-2*2019 - Congress Should Cap Medicare Out-of-Pocket Drug Costs

Congress Should Cap Medicare Out-of-Pocket Drug Costs
By Sandip Shah

A bipartisan group of House lawmakers recently unveiled a bill that would cap Medicare beneficiaries' out-of-pocket drug costs.

That's a terrific idea. High out-of-pocket costs prevent many Medicare patients from accessing vital medicines. Limiting those costs would keep folks healthy. And in the long run, the reform could generate savings for our nation's health system.

Why are "pro-worker" politicians blocking energy infrastructure projects?

The governors of Michigan and Minnesota campaigned on pro-worker platforms. But now that they're in office, they're opposing the construction of new oil pipelines -- massive infrastructure projects that would create thousands of local, high-paying jobs and keep prices affordable for consumers.

These two Midwestern governors are not alone. Across the nation, politicians are caving to the demands of radical environmentalists and blocking energy infrastructure projects that would benefit workers and consumers. It's time for this “keep-it-in-the-ground” obstruction to end.

Drug Bill Carries Serious Side-Effects, No Benefits

Sens. John Cornyn (R-TX) and Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) claim that their new bill – the Affordable Prescriptions for Patients Act -- will expand access to needed medicines for American patients. But in reality, the bill is poised to do the exact opposite.

The bill is premised on the idea that drug companies are gaming the IP system by making incremental changes to drugs they have already patented. Sens. Cornyn and Blumenthal believe such behavior is merely a way of driving off competition from less-expensive generics, thereby inflating drug costs for patients.

Quotes & sayings

7-1-2019 - Let's Eat! July 2019

With 4th of July right around the corner, it's time to figure out the perfect barbecue menu.


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