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Box Elder Schools

Box Elder Schools

Willard Elementary

Three Mile Creek Elementary - Update October

Mrs. Argyle accepted a grant from Walmart tonight at Board Meeting. They donated $965 to Mrs. Argyle, Mrs. Pedersen, and Ms. Dana’s classrooms for flexible seating. A huge thank you to Walmart for supporting our school!

Box Elder Schools

Brigham City bank branch gives back this Thurs

Mountain West Bank employees give back during Day of Caring

GREAT VISUALS -- Mountain West Bank employees and volunteers are
helping a Utah nonprofit spruce up its site.

WHO -- Mountain West Bank staff from 20 of its offices throughout
Idaho, Utah, and Washington.

Box Elder Schools

Perry City September News

That time of year is upon us again. The children are excited and anxious to return to school. There will be many children running and riding their bikes to school. Please, when you are driving keep a extra eye out for the school kids. Also, when the school buses STOP to let children off and on, PLEASE STOP and wait. 


Congratulations to our wonderful Explorers of the Month for September!

Be on the lookout for information coming home from our PTA about our Little Caesar’s fundraiser!


Box Elder Schools

Box Elder Schools


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