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State and National

Updates from Organizations - Government agencies - Advertise Various Artists


Premieres Music Video For"#YouAlreadyKnow"

Updates from Organizations - Government agencies - Advertise Various Artists

Yesterday, Republicans unveiled their plan for a sweeping update of America’s tax code. Our nation’s stagnant and convoluted tax code has not seen reforms like this since 1986, and it is up to conservatives to ensure the radical left and the special interests don’t stop this from passing.

The plan revealed yesterday would unleash economic growth, create jobs and increase wages for millions of Americans. The proposed tax reform framework addresses the five conservative principles of tax reform:

How America Could Be Changed by the New GOP Tax Plan

Sept. 28, 2017 News Flash - Count My Vote re-files ballot initiative to establish direct primary elections

Count My Vote files ballot initiative to kill Utah's caucus/convention system

By Bob Bernick, Contributing Editor


The Count My Vote supporters refilled their citizen initiative petition on Wednesday, and there are a few new and interesting changes than the 2014 version.

Maybe tops on the list will be if it passes on the November 2018 ballot how relatively easy it becomes to get on a political party's primary election ballot.

Updates from Organizations - Government agencies - Advertise Various Artists

Secretary Perdue Statement on President Trump’s Tax Reform Agenda

(Washington, D.C., September 27, 2017) – Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue today applauded President Donald J. Trump’s vision of a broad reform of the American tax code, which will result in dramatic tax cuts for millions of American individuals, families, businesses, and family farmers, ranchers, and foresters. Secretary Perdue issued the following statement:

Updates from Organizations - Government agencies - Advertise Various Artists

In a recent study, financial technology company SmartAsset set out to find the places in the country where people have the highest net worth. The study measured net worth, income and debt across counties in the U.S. to see where people have the highest per capita net worth.

Updates from Senator Lee

Sens. Lee and Rubio: Families Must Come First for Tax Relief


WASHINGTON – Sens. Mike Lee (R-UT) and Marco Rubio (R-FL) issued the following statement today in response to tax plan released by the White House:


Roy Moore Defeats Luther Strange in GOP’s Alabama Senate Runoff

Sept. 27, 2017

LeBron James No Rosa Parks

LeBron James No Rosa Parks


It took extraordinary courage for Rosa Parks to refuse to move to the back of the bus. LeBron James can just tweet his protests from his seat in first class.  


Morning must reads for Wednesday, September 27, 2017


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