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Box Elder High October Student of the month

Thursday, November 10, 2016 - 10:00am

Parker Bywater was nominated for October Student of the Month by Nolin Crook for CTE.  He is the son of – Erica and Jake Torrey.   


My student of the month is Parker Bywater. I have taught Parker in both Engineering and Woodworking the past several years. I have seen Parker grow and progress from a sophomore that had a hard time getting to 1st period on time to now he stays after school to clean up and help others.

Parker has an inquisitive mind, that is always asking questions trying to do more than just do the assignments but also how’s and whys of the assignments. It is fun to see the desire that he has for learning.

Parker is willing to help other students with their assignments. Other students go to him for help and often ask questions for understanding. He is smart not only on computers but also in the woodshop where puts both his brains and hands together to create great things.

He has great ambitions in life, I am excited to see how far he goes.

I am a better teacher having Parker in my class.


  McKenna Langford was nominated for October Student of the Month by Shannon Cheney, her Language Arts Teacher.  McKenna is the daughter of Bret and Tena Langford.


I am pleased to nominate McKenna Langford as student of the month for English language arts. McKenna is a teacher’s dream, and I feel very fortunate to have her in my classroom this trimester. Not only does McKenna consistently produce quality work, she’s also genuinely engaged in whatever we are doing or discussing in class on any given day. She makes eye contact, nods to show she understands, and she is willing to contribute her insights in class discussions.


McKenna is respectful of her peers, even when some of them in that particular class act out and disrupt the learning process. She is patient and kind to those around her, but it is easy to see that her top priority in class is to learn. Some students go through the motions to get the grade, but my impression of McKenna is that she is equally as eager to learn the material and to improve her critical thinking skills.


I wish I could have a classroom full of McKennas every hour. She is the kind of student that makes teaching a rewarding career.


Emily Buck  


The Science Dept. proudly nominates Emily Buck as the science student of the month. Nominations was given by Peter Burt.  Emily is the daughter of Jenney Pratt and Tommy Buck


I have known Emily for only 3 short weeks. In that time, I have seen the talents and gifts that Emily possesses. She has a grasp of science that is admirable, and impossible to replicate. She is truly a genius and impressive. This is not why she is our nomination! Emily is new to Box Elder High School. This means that this is her first time walking these hallways, having a 6 period trimester, and being around many strangers. High School is hard anyway, but moving to a new school your senior year could be a slap in the face. Not for Emily. She is always positive, tries hard, helps those around her become better, and is always at the top of the class in academics. I wish we could get 10 more like ‘Emily’, that would make this school an amazing place. I am so proud of her, and hope that my daughters someday will grow up to have the confidence, determination, and the courage of Emily. That is why she is science student of the month. Scratch that, I nominate her for Student of the Month for the entire school. Yeah, that sounds better……



Johnathon Hurley was nominated by Joyce Hunzeker for General Education October Student of the Month.  He is the grandson of LouAnn Hurley and the son of Justin Hurley


Jonathan Hurley is a sophomore student that can be respectful to teachers, staff, peers, and others in the community.  As a student, he is willing to put forth many efforts into his studies and education.  He attends class regularly and on time.  Jonathan displays a continuous example of sharp and neat assignments, projects, and assessments.  He contributes to daily discussions in a positive, productive manner.  It is a pleasure to have Jonathan at Box Elder High School.


 Izaiah Creager was the October Student of the Month for Math nominated by Travis Mumford.  Izaiah is the son  of  Mark J. Creager and LuCreatia A. Creager


Izaiah Creager is my nomination for Math Student of the Month. Izaiah comes to class to work with a great attitude. His work ethic has increase from las year He is the kind of student that as a teacher I enjoy having in class. He participates and is respectful to all around him. He will do anything that I ask of him. His math work is excellent because of him hard work and attentiveness. Izaiah has the traits to be successful in whatever future endeavors he wishes to pursue.


Tristan Abel was nominated for October Student of the Month in CTE by Jason Bingham.  Tristan’s is the son of Chasity and Shane Abel.

It is my privilege to select the October CTE Student of the month.  The student that has been selected is Tristan Abel.  Tristan is currently enrolled in 2 of my classes as well as my Bee-time class.  These are just a few of the many classes he has taken from me.   I have always been impressed with his efforts, dedication and accomplishments.  Tristan has not always been confident in the work he had to do but he has always given 100% effort.  He is Currently enrolled in at least one USU Concurrent enrolment course which demonstrates his motivation to excel, do hard things and make the most of his high school experience.  I have also appreciated his polite and respectful personality.  When times are hectic and busy Tristan willingly and patiently waits his turn for help and then is very receptive to the instruction and improves his performance.  Tristan is also a Teacher’s Assistant (TA) for me this trimester.  He has been extremely helpful to me maintaining and organizing the shop facilities and equipment.  Tristan always works hard to accomplish the tasks he is given. He frequently asks if there is more he can do in class to help me and the students in my classes.  Congratulations Tristan for your excellence and being selected as our October CTE Student of the month.   



Isabelle Womack was nominated for October Student of the Month in Language Arts by her English teacher, Jamie Garn.  Isabelle is the daughter of Regi and Sara Womack


My student of the month is Isabelle Womack.  Isabelle is an amazing young lady.  She is happy, friendly, and kind to all those around her.  She is a great student and works hard to keep her grades up and all her work turned in. One thing that I love about her is her ability to balance having fun and being social with being a good, attentive student who participates and gets the most out of class.  I love that she is never afraid to speak up whether it is to share an opinion, ask questions, or volunteer a new perspective. She helps create a learning environment that feels safe to those around her.  I am grateful for the opportunity to be her teacher.    



Brooklyn Kesler was nominated by Bradley Williams for the Visual Fine Arts October Student of the Month.  Brooklyn’s parents are Jeffrey and Alison Jensen


It would be my pleasure to nominate Brooklyn Kesler as Art Student of the Month. Brooklyn has been in my AP art classes for two years as well as other classes and has finished some nice pieces of art. She is very attentive and has worked hard to implement art principles and design into her work. Brooklyn is a young woman that shows the fortitude of being a great artist. She is very studious and works hard in class and at home. She has a fine eye for detail and has the patience to work out the details in her work.

I feel Brooklyn will go far in anything she puts her mind to, whether it is in school, work, or art. It has been a pleasure to have Brooklyn in my art classes.



Stetson Baker was our Foreign Language October Student of the Month.  He was nominated by his German teacher Herr Delos Wiberg.  Stetson is the son of Gabrielle Munoz and Luciano Munoz.  



I would like to nominate Stetson Baker as student of the month in world languages.  In the two years Stetson has been in my German class he has shown a tremendous will and drive to learn German.  His enthusiasm is contagious and rubs off onto other students as well.  Stetson uses his German outside of the classroom as much, if not more, than any other student. It is not uncommon for Stetson to barge into my classes as he is walking by to announce that "du bist ein Spion".  This year Stetson is serving as a vice president in German Club and helps recruit members for the Club not studying German.  For his enthusiasm, drive, and commitment to the German Language I nominate Stetson Baker as student of the month for World Languages.