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2016 Leg session - Week 2 Update from Rep. Perry

Monday, February 29, 2016 - 6:15pm
REP. Lee Perry

Rep. Lee Perry

House District 29 Newsletter

Things are moving along quickly as we finish the third week of the legislative session.  Rep. Perry has continued to successfully pass his legislation through the process, while somehow still having time to meet with various school groups and constituents who have visited Capitol Hill.  

Pioneer Elementary, Three Mile Creek Elementary, and many other student groups were able to make their way to the Capitol this week, where Representative Perry was able to teach them a bit about the legislative process.



Week 3 Legislation
Representative Perry has been busy! Not only has the Representative succeeded at pushing his own bills through committees and the floor, but he has also given crucial support to several other Representatives and Senators who are passing their own legislation that Rep. Perry believes will improve out great state.

Representative Perry was able to pass Senator Jenkins' SB28 on the house floor nearly unanimously.  This bill provides for culinary water distributors to establish a tiered water pricing structure, that has been proven to promote water conservation.

On the House side, Representative Perry was also able to successfully pass HB211: Agricultural Exemption Amendments, and HB167: Special Group License Plate.  HB167 is a bill that means a great deal to Representative Perry, as is sets up a fund that will be used for the maintenance of the Utah Law Enforcement Memorial.

This legislative session has proven to be incredibly fast-paced and productive.  It will be great to see what is in store for the weeks to come!