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Box Elder High January Student of the month

Wednesday, January 31, 2018 - 11:00am

Casey Jacobson was chosen by Coach Robbie Gunter for Student of the Month in PE/Health.  Casey is the son of Brandon and Steffanie Jacobson. 

I nominate Casey Jacobson for Strength Training Student of the Month.  Casey has been in my strength training classes for the past 3 years.    


Here is a list of some of Casey's great qualities: ● -exceptional student ● -hard worker ● -respectful to teacher, students, facilities and self ● -leader of his peers ● -great athlete ● -very explosive ● -strong ● -humble 


Casey has transformed himself over the past 3 years from a smaller, skinny freshman into a strong, athletic, confident senior.  He has done that through hard work.  He has overcome growth spurts that made him seem very un-athletic by working through them. He has also overcome health issues that have sidelined others.  He didn't just do the workouts, he did them right and that takes even more effort but also gives the greatest rewards.   


Cora Porter is the daughter of Travis and Jana Porter.  Cora was nominated for January Student of the Month by Aaron Dooley for Social Studies Student of the Month 

I would like to nominate Cora Porter for Social Studies Student of the month states Aaron Dooley. . 


Cora is an amazing student that strives to excel academically.  Cora is in our AP World History class.  The course work in the class is extremely demanding, and requires students to spend more time outside of class on assignments, than regular classes do.  Cora has been able to meet those demands and excel while doing it.   


Cora has applied herself in a Historical Thinker by being able to analyze information, compare events, and understand multiple points of view of various sources. It is exciting to watch her grow as a student. Additionally, Cora is a great classmate.  We do many collaborative learning activities in class.  Cora can always be counted to bring positive and insightful contributions to her learning teams. 



Joysarinda Reyes  is the daughter of Gloria Martin.  Joysarinda was nominated by Karen Jessop for CTE January Student of the Month. 

It with pleasure that I nominate Joysarinda Reyes as the student of the month from the Family and Consumer Department. I have had the opportunity to have Joysarinda in my Food & Nutrition class this term and have found her to be a very diligent and conscientious student.  


To look at Joysarinda, she looks pretty much like any other student, but one of the things I admire most about her is knowing that English is not her native language. School can be 

challenging enough under the best of circumstances, but I truly can’t imagine how daunting and overwhelming it would be to come to a new country and start right into school trying to assimilate into classes spoken in a foreign language! What I’ve observed about Joysarinda is that she has taken on this challenge with grace, with dignity, and with a most pleasant disposition, making it a pleasure to have her in class. She has to work twice as hard as most other students, but she comes to class focused, ready to work, smiles her beautiful smile and goes about doing what she has to do. She is a great example to others of what an outstanding student should do. 


These characteristics about Joysarinda make her the kind of student teachers love to have in their classes! Thanks for being that kind of an individual, and for making my classroom a better place for having you in it. I wish you well in your future, but I know that with your work ethic, your determination, and your happy personality, you are bound for great things! 



Rylie Anderson was nominted by Mike Robinson for the Foreign Language January Student of the Month.  Rylie is the daughter of ​Kiersha Engelke and Jeremiah Anderson 

I have really enjoyed teaching Rylie these past two trimesters in Spanish 1.  She goes about her business in a quiet and confident manner and makes the class better with her great attitude and desire to learn.  I know I can always count on her to come to class each day prepared and ready to learn.  


I appreciate her positive attitude and willingness to participate in any activity without a complaint, no matter how simple or difficult the task may be to her.  


I believe she has talent and a great ability to learn languages and that she has created a very strong foundation to become fluent in Spanish if she keeps working at it.  

 I know that her hard work, ​great attitude and desire to learn​ will help her be very successful at whatever she desires to do.  



Ilynd Bossermanis the daughter of Robert and Misty Bosserman and Mindy Sargent.  Nominated for January Science Student of the Month by Andrew Miller. 

The Science Student of the Month is Ilynd Bosserman. Ilynd has really stood out to me as an excellent student. First off, she is taking AP Biology, which is not an easy thing to do as a sophomore and she is a diligent worker. She completes her assignments and goes the extra mile as she works hard to truly understand what we are learning about. This is one of the characteristics that sets Ilynd apart from many of my other students. I can tell that she really wants to understand biology not just learn it because it is assigned. She asks very good questions which show that her learning and understanding is being used. Some of her questions are really deep and thoughtful and that’s really great to see student thinking about biology beyond just what we learn in class.  


Ilynd is also a very nice person. She is kind and friendly to the other students in class. Even if she is a bit quiet, she still is a leader through her class behavior and attitude. I truly appreciate Ilynd for the hard work she gives in class and for just being a great person. She definitely has the characteristics that will lead to success in her future.  She is more than deserving of being the student of the month!  



Damon Robinette nominated for Math January Student of the Month by Sadie Nielson.  Damon is the son of Jennifer Robinette and Gaylen Robinette 

Damon is a great student! He is extremely respectful and works hard in class. From his hard work, he continues to improve in his math skills. He asks excellent questions and really works hard to make sure he understands each concept. I learn from his questions and am glad to have him in class. Damon is a positive example to those around him.  He strives to be successful.   I am glad to nominate Damon for Student of the Month. 




Camron Saundersis the son of Mark and Christine Saunders. Camron was nominated by Coach Jace McKee in PE/Health for January Student of the Month 

The January PE and Health Student of the month is Camron Saunders.  Camron is a senior and a multiple sport athlete here at Box Elder High.  He is an excellent student caring a 3.6 GPA.  Besides being a good student and a good athlete Camron is a leader, he has been a captain on the golf and basketball teams this year and that carries over into the classroom.  

Like all the students of the month Camron excels in class he does all the things teachers like in students.  He does his work, he participates in class, he helps others, and he is responsible for his education and has a great attitude. For those actions Camron deserves this recognition, however the main reason he was chosen for this recognition is more because of the way he treated others in his class and how he looked beyond himself to make others happy.  In our Part Skills class Camron was clearly the best at every sport we played, his team could win most every game.  As a competitive individual the desire to win even in a PE class is pretty high.  In our Part Skills class we had a special needs student that Camron would always get on his team, and then he would make sure he would get opportunities to run the ball or shoot the baskets.  This often meant his team would not win very often, but it didn’t bother Camron, he was more concerned about others having an opportunity to have fun and participate in physical activity.  When this young man would make a basket or score a touchdown it was like they had just won the Super Bowl and it became contagious the entire class would get excited and it made the young man’s day. It is this kind heartedness and his maturity as an individual that earned him this honor. Congratulations to Camron Saunders Student of the month. 


Rakel Wells nominated by Telia West for January Math Student of the Month.  Rakel is the daughter of Jeff and Laura Wells. 

I selected Rakel as my student of the month because of the attitude and work ethic Rakel displays. Rakel shows up every day prepared and ready to learn. Rakel does everything she can to make sure she understands what is being taught in class. She asks for help when she needs it, and is the last to pack up every day.  

Rakel knows how to persevere when the content gets rough, and celebrate when she has accomplished something difficult. I’m very lucky to have such a great student in my class this year.  



Sydnee Forsgren is the daughter of Elliott and Bonnie Reeves and Jeff and Krystal Forsgren.   Nominated by LouAnn Thompson for January English/Language Arts Student of the Month. 

Sydnee Forsgren is an excellent student at Box Elder High School!  She follows instructions very well and remembers details about what is asked on assignments that many students do not.  Her work is completed with perfection.  She takes the time to ask additional questions for further understanding!  She goes beyond what is asked of her in the classroom! She is thoughtful and kind toward her classmates. She participates in many other school activities such as FBLA.  It is my honor to name her as student of the month 



Mailee Carr is the daughter of J.D. and Jamie Carr.  Mailee was nominated by Carol Dittli for Visual Arts January Student of the Month.  

It is my privilege to nominate Mailee Carr as the fine art’s choice for student of the month.  Mailee is an amazing students.  I have had her in several art classes over the years.  I have loved watching her grow both as an individual and in her art.  She is a hard worker who loves photography and it shows in her work. 

Mailee is a great person who cares about others and is willing to help others. 

I know Mailee will succeed at whatever she decides to do.  It is my privilege to recommend her as student of the month for the fine arts department. 


Taylor Shinney is the student of the month for Fine Arts Performance this month. Taylor is the daughter of Allan and Lora Shinney  Taylor is the classic unsung hero.  

 Number one, she brings her smile to class every day.  She has a great attitude.  Her positive demeanor sets the tone for students around her.  Students are unaware that they are enjoying the class just because she is there.  Even the worst attitude is tempered by rosy outlook.   

Next, Taylor loves to play.  Often musicians need the limelight.  Taylor is happy to play.  She enjoys contributing.  She knows that good musicianship helps every to be better.  She comes to marching band in the summer.  She comes to all of the athletic services.  She goes to every concert.  She brings her smile to all of them.  She seems to enjoy the rehearsals also. 

Taylor goes the extra mile.  Taylor plays flute.  She has played flute since the sixth grade.  This year, the band had a significant need for horn.  Taylor volunteered to play the horn.  The French Horn is unrelated to flute.  Taylor practiced on her own and is now able to contribute on the French Horn.  Her playing is appreciated by all students. 

Taylor is an example of what great people are.  She has a wonderful attitude and enjoys what she does.  She is willing try other things if it will help the group.  Taylor is an asset to the band.  O, that the world were full of students like Taylor Shinney. 




Caylie Hawkes  is the daughter of ​Miesha Hawks and Brett Hawks.  Caylie is January Math Student of the Month nominated by Jeff Rawlins.  During this year I have been able to teach Caylie Hawks in Math 2.  Caylie is a wonderful student to teach.  She is attentive in class, works hard and works hard.  This has allowed her to succeed in math even on difficult concepts.  Math does not come easy to Caylie but she works hard to learn as much as she can.  What many don’t understand is math that if you continue to work hard at much like any physical skill eventually you will begin to understand more conceptually.  Caylie has this quality about her and because of this desire to learn she is seeing success in the classroom.  This will also allow her to succeed in current classes, future classes and life’s desires.  Caylie is a great student and person.  She is nice to her friends and very willing to help them when they do not understand. 
