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Box Elder School District

Monday, February 4, 2019 - 11:30am

Preparing for Extreme Snow Days
Last year as you know, we had a very mild winter here in Box Elder County. It is only early January 2019, and it looks like we are going to have a little more traditional winter. I was not here in winter two years ago when we received so much snow, and there were a couple of days of school that were canceled due to snowy and dangerous conditions. As a staff, we have discussed the possibility of snow day cancellations or late starts to allow school to take place but come a little later in the day to allow for better roads and less traffic. We have determined that if possible, and the weather conditions and forecasts are supportive, we would start schools two hours later than they currently start. We considered a three-hour delay, but that would not give us sufficient time to have what the state determines as a full day of school that can be counted. Also after much discussion and consideration on any late start day, we are going to cancel Kindergarten (both morning and afternoon), plus we will be canceling pre-school. These age groups do not have a state-mandated set number of days and do not have to make up any snow days so when we determine it is time for a late start those age groups will not have school.
With this information in mind, please be aware that if there is a big snowstorm occurring we may late start the school day and still possibly cancel school for that day. Either way, we are going to try to use every method available to contact parents on days that either of these two events occur. The tools we are going to use are Box Elder School District’s (BESD) system of communication via text, email, or phone call. We will also have it posted on Box Elder School District Webpage front and center. It will be posted on the BESD Facebook page. We will also contact T.V. stations and Cache Valley Media Group that is in control of the local radio stations. We have every intent on having this all posted and sent off by the very latest at 6:00 A.M. the morning of the event. It could be sooner if we have the appropriate information available to do so.
As the Superintendent of Box Elder School District, I take this responsibility of canceling or late starting school very seriously. The safety of our students, employees, and parents is of the utmost concern. With that being said there are safety issues to consider if we do cancel school. Some children may be at home unattended and without food. Many times when school is canceled older students would still be out on the roads, and that is unsafe. Most cases the safest and best place for many, if not most, of our students, is at school. We only want to cancel school when it is definitely unsafe to get them to school.
Thank you so much for working with the school district on this critical issue. I know it is a burden on families when things like this occur. Please have a plan in place for the possibility of this happening.
Thank you, Superintendent Carlsen