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Box Elder High April Students of the Month 3

Thursday, May 4, 2017 - 12:30pm
Dawn Scothern / newsletters
Rachel Cox nominated for April Student of the Month in Study Skills class.
Nickolas Boatright was nominated for Math April Student of the Month
Sam Bakker was nominated for April Fine Art Student of the Month
Timber Bailey was nominated for April Social Science Student of the Month in Social Studies.

Rachel Cox nominated for April Student of the Month in Study Skills class. 

Rachel is always thinking ahead and looking for ways to improve her grades. Rachel is a self-starter. I am confident that even if no one were watching, Rachel would stay on task and make good use of her Study Skills time. Rachel has had straight A’s all three trimesters of her sophomore year. Along with Rachel’s desire to excel academically, she consistently lifts others through kind words and thoughtful actions. Our school is a better place because Rachel Cox is a student here!







Nickolas Boatright was nominated for Math April Student of the Month. Nickolas Boatright is the son of Jeff Boatright and Melanie Boatright. 

Nick is always careful to listen to instructions and watch the modelling examples before starting independent practice. Because of his attention to these details, Nick completes class assignments and assessments with high accuracy scores. Nick is respectful and kind to teachers and classmates alike. He is eager to learn and displays a positive attitude, even when presented with challenging work. Nick will be successful in whatever endeavors he chooses because of his good work ethic.





 Sam Bakker was nominated for April Fine Art Student of the Month.  Sam Bakker is the son of Scott and Kristen Bakker. 

Sam has been a member of concert choir and madrigals over the past three years.  This year in particular he has served as a madrigal officer and his service has been essential in the group’s success.  He is very involved in planning, organization, and most importantly, in helping process the daily progress of our choirs.

Sam is a true leader.  He has a social intelligence that allows him to feel the pulse of the group, seek out those who are struggling and inspire them to improve.  He has excelled as a soloist, qualifying for the state vocal solo/ensemble festival each of the last two years.  He has been enrolled in private vocal instruction for years and has seen great consistent improvement.  Perhaps Sam’s greatest strength is his ability and willingness to prioritize group success over himself.




Timber Bailey was nominated for April Social Science Student of the Month in Social Studies.

Two things have always been obvious in those classes: her perfection and her passion. Her perfection was obvious in her grades, and not just because she is intellectually gifted, but because she is determined to excel. She was never distracted by an electronic device, or silliness from another student, or even a daydream. She was intensely attentive. She was far more than just a sponge. She drank all the information in then sweetened it, fortified it with intellectual vitamins and bottled it in a more appealing container for resale. That is where the passion played into the equation. When given an opportunity to express her understanding on paper or vocally before a class, she was “hotter than a two dollar pistol” as the old folks used to say. Her responses clearly showed she connected what she learned about history to today’s issues. Timber has the ability to distill the relevance of history into pure little drops of powerful potion. She cast time aside and brought those issues at wormhole speed to the present. Very few students her age possess this gift.