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Box Elder High - Beeline

Tuesday, February 7, 2017 - 11:00am

Attention all Young Ladies Box Elder County Dairy Ambassador/Delegate Candidate Application is now available All single young ladies ages 17 through 25 are invited to apply for the Box Elder County Dairy Ambassador/Delegate. Applicants must have demonstrated success as a spokesperson, flexible schedule, possess strong communications skills, project a positive professional image, and maintain a 3.0 or better GPA. There are scholarships available to the delegates ranging from $500 to $1,000. The Box Elder Dairy Ambassador/ Delegate will be responsible to spend a great deal of time representing and promoting the dairy industry at fairs and local celebrations, travel to Box Elder School District schools to give presentations, and participate in several community parades. If you are interested you can pick up an application in the Box Elder High School Counseling Office. The deadline for application is March 17, 2017 


Parents,   BEHS will be administering the SAGE test to students who are currently enrolled in the B sections of Language Arts, Science, and Math, February 16 through March 3.  The SAGE test is a great tool for us and for your student to measure quality teaching and learning.  SAGE (Student Assessment of Growth and Excellence) is Utah’s computer adaptive assessment system aligned to the state’s core standards.    SAGE practice tests are now available on-line on the SAGE Portal site to prepare for the SAGE.  The purpose of the Utah SAGE Practice Tests is to familiarize students, teachers, and parents with SAGE content, item types, and the user interface. These tests include items that represent both the variety in difficulty and item format that students may see on the SAGE Summative assessments. The tests are not predictive of SAGE summative performance, but do provide an opportunity to respond to similar types of items in about half the time as the summative test. Additionally, the practice tests provide an item response key at the end so students can see what items they answered correctly and which they answered incorrectly. 

The practice tests are available for Math and Language Arts at  (If the link does not work, copy and paste the address in your browser.) 

See for more information about SAGE Testing. 


The 10-12th grade football camp will be July 17 to 21 this year.  The 8th grade team football camp is May 8 to 12.   


Attention Parents of Seniors:  In order to participate in BEHS Graduation Ceremony, students must have all U citizenship grades cleared.  Currently we have 80 seniors with U citizenship grades on their transcript.  Each of these students have been referred to citizenship class during BEE time.  In this class, students can clear (or makeup) U citizenship grades at no cost.  If there are any questions, call Mrs. Roberts (if your student’s last name begins with the letters A-J) or Mr. Rasmussen (if your student’s last name begins with the letters M-Z) at 435-734-4840. 


Attention Parents of Seniors:  In order to graduate from high school in the state of Utah, students must pass the Civics Exam.  Currently 175 seniors at Box Elder High School have not passed this test.  To determine if your senior student has passed the exam, look at their progress on the Passport System.  You must use the Student’s account. Civics exam results are not available through the parent/ guardian account.  If your student has not passed the exam, they may access that exam through their account in Passport.  Also, if your student has a US Government class either second or third trimester, they will be given an opportunity to take this exam in that class.


The dance is on February 25th from 8:30-11 in the big gym.  It will be a sock hop and the dress is casual!!  The cost will be $10 for a couple.  Girls-get your dates! 


Graduation will be Thursday, May 25th at 3:00 at the Dee Events Center. 


Yearbooks for sale:  Just a reminder that yearbooks can be  pre-ordered for $41.00 at  The school’s number is 7041.  Books can be purchased online until March 20th.  Any remaining books available for sale (after the March 20th date) will be sold for $51.00 here at the school.  There are very few extra yearbooks purchased, please plan ahead so that your student has a book ordered.  


Girls State 



JUNE 6th-11th  Weber State University 






If you are a junior girl interested in gaining an amazing understanding of government, plus receiving 3 college credits from Weber State University. Apply for Girls State, held June 6th -11th at Weber State University.  Pick up your application in the counseling center and return it by February 10th. Interviews will be held on Feb.15th. For more information, check with Mrs. Harris in the Counseling Center.  


Boys State 



JUNE 12th-16th  Weber State University 


Sign up in the Counseling Center  Applications due by noon-Friday, March 3 Questions? Contact Judy Botello 435-225-6720 


Boys State is a wonderful opportunity for you to represent your high school and community.  It is an exciting and educational week where you will participate in the three levels of government and learn many wonderful concepts about being a citizen of the United States of America. You will meet young men from throughout the state of Utah and make meaningful and lasting friendships. Participation in Boys State increases your ability to get scholarships. 


Snow day make up days will be February 20th and March 3rd. 


College and Career Ready Open House Box Elder High School is sponsoring a College and Career Ready open house for all students and parents on March 20, 2017. The open house will begin at 6pm and end at 8pm. Students and parents can come and visit with the colleges and universities from the state and gather information on programs, scholarships, and degrees offered by these institutions. There will be two general information sessions outlining the states Regent Scholarship Program and the second session will cover how students can earn college credit while still in high school. There will also be representatives from each branch of the military to offer information about opportunities they have available. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend. 


Diversity Day sign-ups are now open through February 10th.  This opportunity is available for all students.  Students will celebrate our diversity and learn about scholarships and how to apply for college.  The event is $15 for workshops, games, learning, lunch, t-shirt, and fun! So mark your calendar for February 24th and get registered at  


Did you know its National High School Counselor Week???  Stop in and thank your counselor for all they do for you!  We have awesome counselors at Box Elder!!!