Revised Notice
Notice Date & Time: 7/25/17 10:00 AM
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the Board of Commissioners of Weber County, Utah will hold a regular commission meeting in the Commission Chambers of the Weber Center, 2380 Washington Boulevard, Ogden, Utah, commencing at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, the 25th day of July, 2017
The agenda for the meeting consists of the following:
A. Welcome - Commissioner Ebert
B. Invocation -
C. Pledge of Allegiance - Ryan Cowley
D. Thought of the Day - Commissioner Harvey
E. Presentation
Presentation on Recorder/Surveyors Office.
Presenter: Leann Kilts
F. Consent Items
1. Request for approval of warrants #418852-419197 and #1135-1143 in the amount of $3,951,919.36.
2. Request for approval of purchase orders in the amount of $159,056.28.
3. Request for approval of new business licenses.
G. Action Items
1. Request for approval of poll workers for the 2017 Municipal Primary Election.
Presenter: Ryan Cowley
2. Request for approval of a contract by and between Weber County and The Flying Cortes, a flying trapeze show at the 2017 Weber County Fair.
Presenter: Jan Wilson
3. Request for approval of a contract by and between Weber County and PGCC Strategies, LLC for external State and Local government relations services.
Presenter: Commissioner Ebert
H. Public hearing
1. Request for a motion to adjourn public meeting and convene public hearing.
2. Public hearing for discussion and/or decision regarding a proposal to amend the subdivision ordinance, Title 106 to add a letter of credit as an additional subdivision completion financial guarantee; ZTA 2017-10.
Presenter: Scott Parke
3. Public comments. (Please limit comments to 3 minutes).
4. Request for a motion to adjourn public hearing and reconvene public meeting.
5. Action on public hearing.
I. Public comments (Please limit comments to 3 minutes)
J. Request for approval of a motion for a closed meeting to discuss the purchase, exchange or lease of real property.
K. Action Items continued
Discussion and/or action on a Release of Covenant by and among Weber County, Roy City and the Roy City Redevelopment Agency.
Presenter: Bryan Baron
L. Adjourn