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Human Interest

Human Interest Articles

10-28-02019 Environmental protection "rollback" narrative is full of holes

The Environmental Protection Agency recently revised some rules governing oil-and-gas rig methane emissions. Environmentalists in Congress immediately cried foul, with Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) describing the proposal as a "horrifying blow" and Rep. Frank Pallone Jr. (D-NJ) calling the policy "wildly irresponsible and reckless." 

10-27-2019 Americas Darkest Moral Practice—Infanticide

Last January 2019, Americans were stunned when they heard Virginia Lt. Governor Ralph Northam (D-Va.) ex-physician casually infer infanticide after a botched abortion.  After birth, he said, "the infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians & mother.”  Until that moment few thought abortion could degenerate to infanticide.

10-25-2019 "Made in Utah" is an international enterprise

Alongside traffic and coffee, news radio is a staple of my morning commute. As I flip through the stations, I'll sometimes hear a pundit lament that "Nothing is made in America anymore."

In reality, there are nearly 13 million manufacturing workers in the United States, including thousands in Utah. Some of these folks are employed by U.S.-based firms. Many others work for companies headquartered abroad.

Quotes & sayings

10-24-2019 Trump Delivers Major Blow to Globalism

Fallout from President Donald Trump’s pullout of 28 soldiers from Syria has brought globalist of both political parties to the front in opposition.  Turkey used the pullout as an excuse to invade Syria in a centuries-old conflict between themselves and the Kurds who were paid heavily by the American taxpayer to help the United States round up the last remaining fragments of ISIS.  With that done the rational for staying in Syria vaporized.  Globalist networks did site as rational for withdrawal, Trump’s fulfilling a campaign promise to bring home American troops, but all networks, including

10-23-2019 Why Milton Friedman Rightly Opposed Drug Re-Importation

Is government-facilitated re-importation of prescription medicines from Canada – a policy now supported by politicians as diverse as President Donald Trump and Senator Bernard Sanders – an issue of free trade, or a backdoor method of imposing price controls? That's the way the question is usually framed in policy debates, but the great Nobel prize-winning economist Milton Friedman took a third view.

Clinton Native Provides Electronic Warfare Dominance for U.S. Navy

OAK HARBOR, Wash. – Petty Officer 2nd Class Colton Carr, a native of Clinton, Utah, joined the Navy due to a love of aviation and mechanics.

Now, seven years later, Carr serves as an aviation structural mechanic with the “Screaming Eagles" of Maritime Patrol and Reconnaissance Squadron 1, working with the Navy’s cutting-edge maritime patrol and reconnaissance aircraft at Naval Air Station Whidbey Island, Washington.


The element cobalt isn’t something most people think of every day. And yet cobalt is critically important for the production of cell phones, wind turbines, and satellites. It’s also a key part of the lithium-ion battery—making it an essential resource for the emerging green revolution.


10-21-2019 Private sector propels drug discoveries, not the government

The FDA just greenlit a new treatment for osteoporosis, a therapy for advanced bladder cancer, and a pill that can cure smallpox.

All of these discoveries were hard-won. Research for the osteoporosis treatment, for example, began in 1964 and included 19 clinical studies and 14,000 patients. But this drug is now a beacon of hope for the 10 million Americans living with osteoporosis.

Some lawmakers believe federally funded scientists develop new medicines solo -- and private-sector firms jump in after all the heavy lifting to manufacture drugs and profit.

10-20-2019 U.S. Must Counter China’s Stranglehold on Key Minerals

The element cobalt isn’t something most people think of every day. And yet cobalt is critically important for the production of cell phones, wind turbines, and satellites. It’s also a key part of the lithium-ion battery—making it an essential resource for the emerging green revolution.



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