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Human Interest

Human Interest Articles

Quotes & sayings

9-27-2019 Scandinavian Countries are not Socialist?

Under the traditional definition of socialism that requires government ownership and distribution of the means of production, the Scandinavian countries, Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden are not socialist as Democratic presidential contenders insist.  

9-26-2019 Trump's drug rebate rule would have saved patients billions

The Trump administration recently proposed one of the biggest Medicare reforms in a generation. But after the proposed rule sparked a furious lobbying battle between some of the country's most powerful special interests, the president scrapped the effort.

That's unfortunate. President Trump's drug rebate rule would have delivered real savings to patients. Here's how.

Right now, pharmaceutical companies give Medicare prescription drug plans, which are managed by private insurance companies, tens of billions of dollars in discounts.

Youth and Ignorance

Quotes & sayings

Situational awareness - September 25, 2019

Good Wednesday morning from Salt Lake City

9-25-2019 Trashy Behavior? 1 in 3 Utahns admit to illegally dumping unwanted items.

Do you still have that pair of jeans you bought three years ago in the hopes of fitting into them soon? What about that cute, colorful cardboard box your delivery came in a few months ago – you’ll make use of it eventually, right? Have you gotten rid of that (hideous) porcelain tea set from a distant family member that’s tucked away in your kitchen cabinet yet? 

9-24-2019 USMCA will spur medical breakthroughs

Mexico recently ratified the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, the mammoth trade deal that could replace NAFTA. U.S. lawmakers would be wise to follow suit -- the pact could save and improve millions of Americans' lives by spurring the development of cutting-edge medicines.

One of the deal's most important provisions would strengthen intellectual property protections for an innovative class of medicines called biologics. Biotech companies manufacture these large-molecule drugs from living organisms like animal or plant cells.

9-23-2019 U.S. Must Prioritize Mining to Win Clean Energy Race

Right now, the United States and China are competing to capture the production of advanced energy technologies like solar panels, electric cars, and lithium-ion batteries. And unfortunately, China is winning. 

The hard truth is that China has already captured much of the renewable energy market. And that’s unfortunate, since it means more U.S. jobs and wealth being transferred to a major geopolitical rival. 

First Episode in Book of Mormon Videos Series Now Available


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