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Human Interest

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10-7-2019 Solving the doctor shortage and medical school bottleneck 10-8-2019 Let's Eat! October 2019

Tens of thousands of Americans apply to U.S. medical schools each year. Only a fraction gain admission. The University of Arizona, for instance, posted a 1.9 percent acceptance rate in 2018. UCLA, Florida State University, and Wake Forest accepted fewer than 3 percent of applicants. 

Many U.S. medical schools are proud of their microscopic admission rates. But they have negative ramifications for the nation's healthcare system.

10-5-2019 Impeaching a President, High School Civics for Politicians 10-6-2019 2019’s Best & Worst Cities for People with Disabilities

Constitutional instructions for impeaching a president of the United States are very specific.  Actually, reading the Constitution should easily put to rest the proposed impeachment of President Donald J. Trump.  His enemies obviously have not done so.

Impeachment means tried by the U.S. Senate for "treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors," whether found guilty and removed or acquitted and remain in office.  It begins in the House of Representatives who formulate the alleged charges then passes to the Senate for trial.

10-3-2019 Trump Calls on all Nations to End Religious Persecution 10-4-2019

“Our nation was founded on the idea that our rights do not come from government, but from God,” said Donald Trump, before the United Nations September 23, 2019.  “Regrettably, the freedom enjoyed in America is rare in the world.”  He explained that 80% of the world do not have freedom of religion and instead face religious persecution.  “Today, with one clear voice, the U.S. calls on the nations of the world to end religious persecution,” Trump said. “As President, protecting religious freedom is one of my highest priorities, and always has been.  

10-2-2019 How Runners Can Benefit from Wireless Technology

How Runners Can Benefit from Wireless Technology

10-1-2019 Domestic Violence Awareness Month 2019

Domestic Violence Awareness Month 2019


In 2019, Ebony Clare was shot and killed in South Carolina. Her husband, Romaine Clare was arrested.


Brandon Clark, 21, allegedly killed 17-year-old Bianca Devins, then posted photos of her body on the gaming site Discord, according to a 2019 article in USA Today.


9-30-2019 October is Liver Awareness Month: A COTA Family is Celebrating Their Toddler’s Now Healthy Liver and Their Donor Family’s Selfless Decision

October 1, 2019 -- October is Liver Awareness Month, which is the month touted by the American Liver Foundation to raise public awareness of the importance of liver health. More than 30 million Americans have some form of liver disease. This October an Alabama transplant family is thrilled to be celebrating their son’s now healthy liver and his second chance at life.

9-29-2019 Can’t Say No? Utahns admit FOMO has got them spending an extra $349 per month, reveals study.

Have you ever said yes to attending a social event even though your bank account says no?

9-28-2019 1 in 3 young Utahns say they’ll never own significant assets when older, research reveals.

The financial challenges facing young people in America have been widely reported. Millennials and 'Gen Zers' continue to carry over $1 trillion in student loan debt, and are resigned to the prospect of renting long term rather than buying properties. Experts have observed that these age groups are even altering the way they define success – that is, less defined by the money they have, and more by the way they live. Success for them is doing meaningful work with a better work-life balance.


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