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Human Interest

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3 events where you can see bright red kokanee salmon in Utah this fall

Aug. 29, 2019


3 events where you can see bright red kokanee salmon in Utah this fall


SALT LAKE CITY — Autumn brings a lot of beautiful colors to Utah’s landscape, and driving to see the leaves change color is a popular activity for many locals. However, trees aren’t the only things that turn a brilliant shade of red in the fall — kokanee salmon do as well.


8-29-2019 Ignorance of the Electoral College Could Destroy It

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez recently fed a video to Instagram of her driving through an uninhabited rural area sarcastically saying “many votes … are out there,” mocking the Electoral College.  Such ignorance could destroy it and our republic. 

Those in this camp prefer the popular vote but without the College a close race would make the election far less settled and result in massive civil unrest perhaps even civil war.  The Electoral College legitimizes the outcome. 

DWR seeks public input on bighorn sheep unit management plans

SALT LAKE CITY — The statewide management plan for bighorn sheep in Utah was approved in November 2018, and now the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources is seeking the public’s feedback on the plans for each of the specific regions in Utah that have bighorn sheep populations.


Quotes & sayings

8-28-2019 Beginning of US Slavery

        The New York Times has begun a major initiative, the "1619 Project," to observe the 400th anniversary of the beginning of American slavery. It aims to reframe American history so that slavery and the contributions of black Americans explain who we are as a nation.

Trouble in Texas Hints at Wider U.S. Power Shortages

In recent years, Texas has become a bellwether for advances in wind turbines and renewable energy. The wide-open, breezy Texas panhandle offers some of the best wind resources in the country. But some surprising shortfalls are emerging in Texas’ electricity production—and that could prove instructive for other states that are looking to ramp up their reliance on renewable power.


DWR officers to begin citing trespassers at old Tintic Mill

Aug. 27, 2019 


DWR officers to begin citing trespassers at old Tintic Mill


SALT LAKE CITY — Despite misinformation online saying that the old Tintic Mill near Goshen is a good place to take photos, the area is actually closed to the public due to safety concerns, and Utah Division of Wildlife Resources conservation officers will be actively issuing citations to trespassers.


Mass Shootings

I can still remember the day in 1999 when two students entered Columbine High School and killed twelve fellow students and one teacher. I was an undergraduate student then and I remember spending the entire day watching the news in complete shock. This was the first of what we now call “mass shootings” that I can remember. This event horrified the nation and left us all with serious questions. Unfortunately, this event ushered in a period where today these seem common. 


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