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Human Interest

Human Interest Articles

9-3-2019 Donating wisely in a disaster (wildfires & Hurricane Dorian relief tips)

Salt Lake City, UT (September 3, 2019) - In light of Hurricane Dorian, the Amazon fire, and the many wildfires burning through the Western U.S., BBB Wise Giving Alliance (BBB’s and Better Business Bureau encourage donors to support experienced disaster relief organizations.


Hurricane Dorian

Quotes & sayings

9-2-2019 Let's Eat! September 2019

With Fall and cooler weather just around the corner, it's time to start thinking about meals that make you feel warm and cozy.

Quotes & sayings

9-1-2019 Tim O’Brien, 412.854.8845 About INFORMS and Marketing Science Marketing Science is a premier peer-reviewed scholarly marketing journal focused on research using quantitative approaches to study all aspects of the

Do those Retail Apps Increase Customer Engagement and Sales?

New Research Says ‘Yes’ on Both Sales and Returns


Key Takeaways:


Quotes & sayings

8-31-2019 DEAR DAVE

Dear Dave,

I’ll be graduating from college in December, and I’ll have a job waiting for me that pays $50,000 a year. This will bring our household income up to about $95,000. The problem is we’ve got $18,000 in student loan debt, $2,500 in credit card debt, and $4,000 to pay in medical bills. We’re living in an apartment right now, so how should we handle this income increase regarding our debt situation?


Dear Mikayla,

After-school and Saturday classes in the Salt Lake area: sports, music, arts, academic, and lots more!

After School / Weekend programs in and around the Salt Lake City area for Fall 2019

Dear KidsOutAndAbout readers:

Quotes & sayings

8/30/2019 Socialist Price Controls Will Harm American Patients

The Trump administration is planning one of the biggest changes to Medicare in decades.

The draft rule would effectively bring socialist drug price controls to the United States. The change would threaten patients' health and discourage companies from funding experimental treatments for deadly diseases.

The rule impacts Medicare Part B, which covers drugs administered via shots and IV drips in hospitals and doctor's offices. Most cancer treatments, for instance, are covered through Part B.


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