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State and National

Updates from Utah Gov - Organizations

STATEMENT in response to Rep. Ryan Zinke’s nomination advancing to Senate floor

DENVER—In response to today’s vote by the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee recommending Rep. Ryan Zinke be confirmed as the next Secretary of the Interior, the Center for Western Priorities released the following statement from Executive Director Jennifer Rokala:

Local News Highlights: Daily Briefing Morning must reads for Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Trump Likely to Name 1 of These 2 Judges to Supreme Court

Jan. 31, 2017

Good morning from Washington, where tonight President Trump plans to nominate a qualified conservative to fill the vacant Supreme Court seat. Fred Lucas has details on two judges considered his likeliest picks. We've also got a guest commentary on the confirmation process from Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. Trump pokes a beehive with his executive order restricting travel from certain terrorism-plagued nations, and Josh Siegel and Rachel del Guidice have reports. Plus: The war in Ukraine flares up, and Nolan Peterson has a dispatch.

Updates From Senator Lee's Office

Lee Praises President Trump’s “One In, Two Out” Regulatory Order



WASHINGTON – Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) issued the following statement Monday in response President Trump’s signing an executive order titled, Reducing Regulation and Controlling Regulatory Costs:


Updates From Senator Hatches Office

The right Supreme Court Justice for America

By Senator Orrin Hatch

Updates from Utah Gov - Organizations

Ned LeDoux Makes His Grand Ole Opry Debut

New Single “Brother Highway” At Radio Now+

Ned LeDoux makes his Grand Ole Opry debut at the Ryman
(L to R: Mark Sissel/TKO Mgmt & founding member Western Underground;
Opry member Ricky Skaggs, Ned LeDoux, Opry member Craig Morgan)

Ned LeDoux invited to make his Grand Ole Opry debut Friday night


Trump Refugee Order Balances Security and Compassion

Jan. 30, 2017

Welcome to week two of the Trump administration. Here in Washington, Senate Democrats hope to stall President Trump's momentum by dragging their feet on confirming his Cabinet. Rob Bluey and Fred Lucas report. Wonder what Trump's tough order on refugees means? Jim Carafano shares an insider's perspective. The latest numbers prove Obamacare holdouts inflate its success, Alyene Senger writes. Plus: Thomas Spoehr on Trump's move to rebuild our military, and Rachel Bovard on how delaying Obamacare's repeal hurts the pro-life movement.

Local News Highlights: Daily Briefing Morning must reads for Monday, January 30, 2017

Updates from Governors Office


​ is

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audio file from today's media access

​ with Governor Herbert​



Governor Gary R. Herbert’s Schedule

January 30, 2017 - February 3, 2017

Updates From Senator Hatches Office

Hatch Meets with Trump, Discusses Supreme Court and Key Utah Issues


Washington, D.C.—Senator Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, the senior Republican in the United States Senate, accepted the invitation of President Donald J. Trump to meet with him at the White House this afternoon to discuss a wide-ranging legislative agenda to deliver on shared priorities.




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