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State and National

Read Sen. Hatch's Sunday op-ed on the Supreme Court




“Doing Our Duty: The Supreme Court”

By Senator Orrin Hatch


Rep. Bishop Thanks Counties for Continued Support

Rep. Bishop Thanks Counties for Continued Support


SALT LAKE CITY – On Friday, March 11th, representatives from Carbon, Duchesne, Emery, Grand, San Juan, Summit & Uintah Counties gathered at the Utah State Capitol to voice their support for the Public Lands Initiative (PLI) process (Information available at In a statement released jointly, these counties collectively stated the following:


The Laudable Pursuit: The People Should Determine What Kind of Supreme Court They Wish to Have

March 11, 2016

"to elevate the condition of men--to lift artificial weights from all shoulders, to clear the paths of laudable pursuit for all, to afford all an unfettered start and a fair chance, in the race of life." --Abraham Lincoln


Chairman's Note: The People Should Determine What Kind of Supreme Court They Wish to Have

2016 Progress in Education Legislation = Progress in Utah's Prosperity

2016 Progress in Education Legislation = Progress in Utah’s Prosperity

Legislative leaders commit to working with business leaders on significant

education funding next session


Hatch Hails Passage of Bill to Curtail Heroin and Opioid Abuse

Hatch Hails Passage of Bill to Curtail Heroin and Opioid Abuse

Video Release: In Judiciary Meeting, Hatch Challenges “Absurd Claims”

In Judiciary Meeting, Hatch Challenges “Absurd Claims”

Washington, D.C.—Senator Orrin Hatch, a senior member and former Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, insisted today that the Senate should wait until after the presidential election to confirm Justice Antonin Scalia’s replacement to the Supreme Court.

Alert for 3/8: SB 88 (Gun Control by Bureaucrats) Awaiting Final House Vote

SB 88 (Gun Control by Bureaucrats) Awaiting Final House Vote
Senate Bill 88 reauthorizes numerous "administrative rules" created by bureaucrats (i.e. unelected officials) that have the same effect as state statute.  These include gun controls and other subversions of your natural rights.

This bill is particularly significant in that it demonstrates the lackadaisical, lazy, and compliant nature of Utah's supposed "gun rights champions".  Rather than rein in the bureaucrats, they prefer to carte blanche approve their corruption.

Video Release: Hatch: “Some are paying very little attention to the Constitution”

Hatch: “Some are paying very little attention to the Constitution” 

Washington, D.C.—Senator Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, the senior member and former Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, delivered a speech on the Senate floor today to stress the importance of waiting until after the presidential election to confirm Justice Scalia’s replacement to the Supreme Court.


 (Via YouTube)

Supreme Court Fact Sheet: Republicans Are Standing Firm

Supreme Court Fact Sheet: Republicans Are Standing Firm




Fact: Democrats believe Republicans will acquiesce to the President’s demands to confirm his nominee. But the Republican Conference is united in the view that the next president should appoint Justice Scalia's replacement.




[Message clipped]  View entire message

Hatch Congratulates Orbital ATK on Joining Air Force B-21 Bomber Team

Hatch Congratulates Orbital ATK on Joining Air Force B-21 Bomber Team


Washington, D.C.—Senator Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, the senior Republican in the United States Senate, issued the following statement congratulating Orbital-ATK in Clearfield, Utah for being named a partner in the development of the Air Force’s B-21 Bomber:



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