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Make America ‘Literate’ Again (Why Your Local Newspapers are Failing You)

It’s easy to blame the internet for the decline of the traditional daily newspaper.  It’s a factor, yes, but just because demographics and the social blueprint are changing it doesn’t mean your local newspaper should accept this techno-quick & dirty iPhone phenomenon.  The sad decline in readership, circulation and sales is the result of the newspaper-reading market becoming both stimulated and stupefied by social media, and bored to death by the uninspiring content of your local paper.  


America For Sale

America For Sale


Used nation with ‘under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all’ option pending.  Great fixer-upper, absentee owner.  Good location, close to schools, shopping, worship, ammo and lots of guns.  Free Press, 1 Yr. free cable TV.  Will take best offer.  


President Trump/Captain Queeg

Everyone should watch the movie THE CAINE MUTINY if understanding President Trump is important.  The parallels between the two men are incredible!


Like Rats Leaving a Sinking Ship

Like Rats Leaving a Sinking Ship


The idiom applies.  It may not literally apply to certain individuals in the Trump administration and sphere of influence since many of them are not rats, rather, honest, hard working, idealistic individuals caught between their careers, integrity and a commitment to their boss and country.  


Dear Editor:                                     

Dear Editor,


It’s back to school time—new clothes, new backpacks, new schools and new friends. But for some children, old fears arise.


For the student who stutters, the beginning of the school year is a time fraught with anxiety and doubt. Will my classmates like me? Will the teacher understand I may need a few extra seconds to get my words out? Will I be bullied?


Dear Editor:                                     

Dear Editor:                                                  Godless America

The top U.S. Senate democrat is afraid that President Trump’s nominee to the Supreme Court might be inclined to favor reversal of Roe v. Wade. He and some of his fellow colleagues, want to continue the killing of innocent unborn babies.

Which is a terribly inhumane act that goes against God’s Laws.

They speak of Judge Kavanaugh being tainted, while they are dripping with the blood of the innocent  babies being teared out of women by the thousands every day.

The Presidency of Our Discontent

The Presidency of Our Discontent


John Steinbeck’s famous novel ‘The Winter of Our Discontent’ serves as a good metaphor defining the Trump presidency.  It harkens back to a quote from Shakespeare’s ‘Richard III‘ suggesting disaffection in general.  It’s about integrity, debasement, politics, and the cyclic quest for resolution.  It’s about rejuvenation.            

(This are excerpts from the yet to be published novel of the same title, ‘The Presidency of Our Discontent’, by a yet to be named New York Times bestselling author)


Our President

The Truth Lies Within Us

The Truth Lies Within Us


The Truth Lies Within Us

The Truth Lies Within Us


The Whitewashing of America

The Whitewashing of America


The first con job in my experience was as a kid reading Mark Twain’s ‘The Adventures of Tom Sawyer’.  The part where Tom conns his friends into whitewashing the fence that Aunt Polly made him paint as punishment for getting into trouble.  He showed them that it was fun, not work, to expressively slop the paint onto the fence.  They went for it hook line and sinker.  Hmmm ...rubes.  I guess that’s why I was attracted to the advertising business like a moth to a flame.  The media.  Communication.  Journalism.  Politics.  Show business.  


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